SoCap token is already listed on Pancake swap. Does it can revolutionise the crypto world. The answer is there
How SoCap bonus program will work in practise, learn more in the article
SoCap Wallet – hold, send, buy crypto and NFT’s, get rewarded in SoCap token.
UseCrypt Nation is a decentralized social company where each participant decides on the fate of an organization. According to the assumptions of DAO (decentralized autonomous organization), by joining UseCrypt Nation you become an integral part of our ecosystem and, in turn, part…
How to start recovering your privacy in the age of Surveillance Capitalism, how does Social Capitalism can help you with it.
Changes in the global balance of power
February 24, 2022, is a landmark date in the history of modern international relations. It was when Russia attacked Ukraine and gave undeniable confirmation of what it had been expressing for a long time. It…
Bill i Melinda Gatesowie przekazali ponad pół miliarda dolarów swojej fundacji, Lewandowscy przekazali milion euro na walkę z wirusem – czy wy też czasem zastanawiacie się, skąd Ci ludzie mają tyle pieniędzy?! Oczywiście, można powiedzieć, że ciężko pracują, zarabiają – to mają.…