Soon, every student will use the electronic ID instead of the current paper one – provided that the school he/she attends has joined the project of The Ministry of Digital Affairs.

Over 2,000 institutions joined the project of the Ministry which allows creating an electronic version of the school ID. Participation in the project is free; only a smartphone with an Android system is required. For a student to become the owner of an electronic ID, the school must complete a form on the Polish nationwide Educational Network. Next, the requested data is transferred to launch the system. After completing all formalities, the school grants authorization to the given persons, so they can produce and administer mLegitymacja.
Is the use of mLegitimacja safe?
The Ministry of Digital Affairs ensures that the electronic document does not differ from its precursor. Moreover, it has the same validity and provides students with the same concessions. In addition, the ministry guarantees that doctoring the document will be complicated. Especially that mLegitymacja has security features like a hologram and animated flag, which makes document forging unreal.

The electronic ID card contains precisely the same data as its previous version like the student’s name, document number, date of issue and validity, user status, date of birth, PESEL number, home address and name of the school with the address.
The ministry believes that mLegitymacja solves the notorious problem of losing or forgetting a document at home. Most young people do not get outdoors without their telephone. Therefore this solution will enable schoolgoers to have their ID always with them – the office encourages. In addition, the application can be installed on the parent’s phone.
Students can also use the mobile ID card. This year, scholars from Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities were the first to receive this electronic document.